143.0…Barbies Like Parties Too

I am officially sick of the Mexican food leftovers. 4 dinner and 1 lunch later…not sure I want to eat Mexican food for awhile. The last of my tacos was Wednesday night.

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And there’s still more in the freezer. It will have to wait until I’m ready to eat tacos again!

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday…I didn’t have any down time during the day and last night was Bunco so I didn’t get home until late.

Yesterday’s breakfast was raisin bread with peanut butter and cantaloupe:

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The kids were off school again so we just ran a bunch of errands. Both kids got their hair cut, I went for a wax appointment. On the way I ate turkey sandwich on wheat:

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I spent the next few hours doing laundry and packing…..for Las Vegas!! Yes!!! It’s my post half marathon celebration trip! Well, I’m really going for my friend’s birthday but let’s just pretend it’s all about me, ok?

I took the kids to their swim lesson and ate a Larabar on the way.

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When we got home it was time to get ready for Bunco. This Bunco was not just any Bunco…it was Barbie Bunco at my friend Alicia’s house. Everyone needed to go buy a Barbie that looks like them, if they didn’t have one already.

Have you missed my Barbie?? She hasn’t made an appearance since my belated birthday party.

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She was very excited to meet her other Barbie friends for a party! At first there were only a few friends at the party….

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My Barbie really likes sitting in wine/champagne glasses.

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Speaking of champagne, I had a lovely champagne cocktail with some Pinnacle Whipped Vodka in it. That stuff is ridiculously good.

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Here are Dina, Julie, Alicia and myself with our Barbies:

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After awhile the Barbie party really started to go off!

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Alicia brought in dinner from Villa Capri 2. Here’s my plate:

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Pesto pasta, Caesar salad (love their dressing!) and bread. I went back for a second plate. Everything was excellent!


For dessert I ate a couple of Lisa’s mini brownies on the way out the door. I really filled up on dinner so I didn’t leave a lot of room for dessert.

We had a great time trying to figure out who each Barbie was supposed to be. :)

I went to bed way too late last night. Oh well…it was worth it! What a fun night!

Breakfast was raisin toast with peanut butter and cantaloupe (again):

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I am really loving the combination of the raisin bread and peanut butter!

I took the kids to school and went to get a spray tan for Las Vegas. I LOVED my spray tan last time…let’s hope this one looks just as good!

Since all we’ve been eating lately are the Mexican food leftovers, I don’t have much other food in the fridge so lunch was quite simple:

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A cheese quesadilla. Yes, I guess it’s still Mexican but at least it wasn’t a taco!

Ok time to pick up the kiddos! Off to the airport later this afternoon! Have a great weekend!

What was your favorite childhood toy? I loved Barbies, She-Ra, Jem, Cabbage Patch Kids and My Little Ponies.

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. I loved Barbies! And I had a Cabbage Patch that was the ugliest thing on Earth. I love your new template - so cute. Have fun in Vegas!

  2. have fun in Vegas! I didn't have many "favorites" as a kid. I think I much preferred the make-believe games like playing "house." I also played with my real cat, and dressed him in doll clothes, etc.

  3. I love that you guys had to bring Barbies to bunco! And that yours posed in a champagne flute! lol! Perfect! Oh, Vegas will be fun, esp since it's a girl's trip. I liked Barbies and play food as a kid. I've always been obsessed with food...in any form! ha!

  4. PS Thanks for giving me the link to your P90X review. I've been thinking about doing it for a while and it's probably the only way I'll ever be hard-core about working out. I hate doing it, but I thought maybe an intense program I have to commit to would force me to do it.

  5. Hmm.... Being a baby is as enjoyable as being a grown up, I'd say. :) Nice post..


  6. I am not sure I could ever get sick of Mexican. :D What a fun Barbie group - ha!

    Enjoy Vegas - so jealous of all your trips! :D


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