142.0…Carbs & Shots

Holy crap. My half marathon is tomorrow.

Last night I reheated some turkey chili that I had in my famous freezer. I made a fresh batch of cornbread to go with it.

June 2011 026

My coach told me to get a really good night’s sleep on Friday night and that’s what I did. I was asleep by 8:45pm last night and slept wonderfully until about 7AM this morning. I am a good direction follower.

For breakfast I had peanut butter on some raisin bread that I snagged at Milton’s yesterday:

June 2011 027

Hubby and I took the kids to their swim lesson and then to the dog beach, per their Dog Smart instructor’s instruction. She wanted to see how the kids react to the dogs. My son did really well! My daughter was a bit scared but overall she was great.

We stopped for lunch at Leucadia Pizza. I decided to carb load with some garlic bread.

June 2011 028

I had some Caesar salad:

June 2011 029

And a couple slices of cheese pizza:

June 2011 030

We also got some chocolate chip cookies:

June 2011 031

I took one bite and decided that it wasn’t very good so I put it down. 

We came back to the house and waited for the arrival of my sister in law (who’s running the race with me) and brother. 

Once they arrived we broke out some Gatorade. We decided that it would be fun to take shots….of Gatorade.

June 2011 036

Yes, that made drinking Gatorade a whole lot better!!

Ok, I need to get my gear ready and get our carb loading dinner ready. I doubt I’ll be posting tomorrow so stay tuned on Monday for the race recap.



  1. Ok, I love that you took shots of Gatorade! Good luck!

  2. Can't wait to see how the race was:)

  3. I got to this late so by now, you've already finished and are feeling some pain! Can't wait to hear about it. Were you able to go down stairs? I remember after mine, I had to go down stairs backwards b/c it hurt too much the normal way. LOL!

  4. This is related to your post when you mentioned you should take a pic of your freezer - I'd love to see it. I try to freeze things but always get freezer burn. How do you wrap it for freezing? Also, things get really watery once they defrost. Then when I reheat it mushy. Do you have this problem???

  5. Anonymous: I just did a whole post on my freezer. Check it out! :)


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