142.8…Getting My Swag On

Wahoo! It’s Friday! Two days to go until my half marathon! WOW!

Hubby was working late last night so I pulled some leftovers out of the freezer. Big shocker huh? I need to photograph my freezer for you. It’s insane. Anyhow, last night’s dinner was Beef Tangine with brown rice:

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Easy peasy. While I was cleaning up I found this in my pantry:

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A piece of See’s Candy. Don’t mind if I do!

Breakfast was quite delicious this morning. A whole grain waffle with peanut butter and a grapefruit.

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I took the kids to school and went for my LAST run before my race. I cannot believe the time has come. Wow.

Mile 1 – 10:10

Mile 2 – 9:55

Mile 3 – 9:34

I came home to change and then drove to the San Diego Convention Center to pick up my bib and other race stuff. On the way, I munched on some peanut butter pretzels and some Gatorade:

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My Team in Training coach said that I need to get my electrolytes and eat salty snacks so there you go!

I parked and went to wait in line to get in. Once the expo opened, I went in and got my bib number.

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The countdown clock made me a little nervous.

I walked around and collected all my swag.

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On the way home I stopped by Milton’s to pick up one of my favorite salads: their chopped salad:

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Yep…it’s the size of my head.

Check out all my swag:

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Larabar was at the expo and I was able to get a couple of samples of flavors I have not tried: Cherry Pie and Carrot Cake.

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I pinned my bib number on my race shirt:

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Looks like I’m all ready to go!

What’s your favorite chocolate? See’s Candy for me BY FAR!!!

Do you like Gatorade? I really don’t. :(


  1. Great swag! So excited for your race, it's getting so close!
    I don't love Gatorade, but I'll drink it anyway. You should buy the gatorade powder and have a diluted version. It's cheaper and it tastes better to me since it's not so strong.

  2. This sounds lame but I'm not sure what my favorite kind of candy is...it all depends on my mood! Sometimes I could eat a bag full of sour patch kids and other times I want some fancy dark chocolate:) I only like a few kinds of Gatorade, blue and sometimes red, and I really prefer g2 to the normal variety...Good luck on your half can't wait to see the recap!

  3. So excited for your race!! So it's a local one, huh? You should have chosen one that's in Paris or something so you could travel for it! I've never had See's candy--here we have Cero's candy, which is wonderful. Their truffles are da bomb. Don't really like Gatorade either.


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