142.8 yesterday; Tuna Sandwiches Are Dreamy

I’m back from my quick trip to Los Angeles! I had a great time with my family and it was nice to celebrate my brother’s accomplishment.

Tuesday night’s dinner was pulled out of the freezer: Chicken Bruschetta.

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I can’t find the recipe but it was basically baked chicken breasts with a mixture of stuffing and tomatoes on top. I reheated it in the oven and it came out really good! I steamed some broccoli and made a quick salad and dinner was done!

Yesterday morning’s breakfast was an English muffin with peanut butter (the last of my Teddie pb) :( and a side of strawberries:

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I took the kids to school and then went for a 3 mile run. It was a hard three miles….it felt more like 30.

Mile 1 – 10:10

Mile 2 – 9:58

Mile 3 – 9:48

Tapering is hard! I think I’m just mentally over running at this point. I really need to just run my 13.1 miles and call it a day. Speaking of running, my sister in law, Stephanie (who is running the half marathon with me), sent me this hilarious video. I could relate to it so well!

After my run, I came home to change, pack and hit the road for the train station. I stopped at Panera Bread for lunch. I had a tuna sandwich. I saved the apple for the train.

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My mom picked me up at the train station and we went back to her house. I snacked on a Larabar:

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My mom, dad and I went to my brother’s law firm’s first anniversary party held at the Bonaventure Brewery Company in downtown Los Angeles.

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The party was held on the patio and it was a beautiful afternoon!

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My mom, sister in law Stephanie, my brother, me and my dad. :)

I enjoyed all the delicious appetizers:

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Bruschetta, Spicy Tuna Chips, Fried Ravioli and Calamari. I went back for seconds. :) I also had a few glasses of wine. Hey…it was my last wine opportunity until after the race! :)

After the party we came home and I spent the night at my parent’s house. 

This morning I got dressed, packed up and my mom and I hit the road for the train station. I brought some toasted raisin bread with peanut butter with me for breakfast.

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Note to self: please buy some raisin bread. Delicious with peanut butter.

I grabbed a latte from Starbucks before I boarded the train.

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I read my current book “Sarah’s Key” on the train. Boy, that is one depressing book. I really need an uplifting book next.

From the San Diego train station, I went to Costco to get stuff for the party I’m hosting Sunday night. You see…I’ve completely lost my mind. I invited all of our family and friends over for dinner after the race to thank them for their love, support and donations. Who runs a race and then throws a party afterwards!?! Fortunately I’m having it catered. I’m not completely nuts. :)

Along the way, I stopped for lunch at Submarina. Guess what I had??

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Another tuna sandwich! It’s by far my favorite sandwich ever!! This one was especially good.

Now I’m home and the kids and I are off to swim lessons. Have a great night!

What’s your favorite sandwich?

Have you read Sarah’s Key? Thoughts?


  1. I liked Sarah's Key a lot! I got why some people weren't into it but I enjoyed it.

  2. That chicken bruschetta looks amazing!!! I need to start freezing more meals. It makes dinner preparations SO much easier!

  3. I read Sarah's Key and it was very sad but I did really enjoy it.

  4. i LOVE anything with tuna. so yum!

    i may need to read sarah's key, i have this thing for really sad books. no idea why!

  5. Favorite sandwich is cheddar on rye with mayo, lettuce, tomato, and onion. Haven't read that book, but I'm going to go find it! I don't particularly want a depressing book but I read so many that it won't have a lasting effect-I go through 2-3 per week on audio while I work.


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