Spring Break 2015: A Whole Lot of Nothing, Amazing Eats and Pimento Cheese Sandwiches

I’m not sure how 7 days can fly by so fast. 

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You’d think that 7 days of doing pretty much nothing would last an eternity. 

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It didn’t. It flew by.

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Our spring break in Naples, Florida was one of the best family trips we’ve ever had. 

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We flew to Naples last Saturday with Alicia and her family and stayed at Alicia’s brother in law’s house for the week. 

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Everything was amazing. The weather, the laughing, the company…..and the food. 

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Our week of amazing eats started on Sunday with Easter lunch. 

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Our view everyday was spectacular. 

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I kept thinking: can I move in?

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Saturday was my husband’s 40th birthday. We celebrated on Monday night with a surprise from Joe & Alicia.

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A bag pipe player! It’s actually my husband’s favorite.

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Everyday looked a bit like this:

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I was definitely feeling spoiled. 

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Wednesday night we went into town to Masa for dinner. I had the Flank Steak. 

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Another birthday surprise for my husband was a last minute trip to Augusta, Georgia to see The Masters on Thursday!

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We couldn’t take our phones past the front gates but got a few shots before we went inside. 

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It was basically Disneyland for golfers. 

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We did a bit of research beforehand and found out all the things we needed to eat while we were there: Pimento Cheese Sandwiches, Egg Salad Sandwiches, BBQ Sandwich, Fried Chicken Sandwiches and Moon Pies. 

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The verdict? The Pimento Cheese Sandwiches were out of this world! And one of the best parts? The prices are beyond reasonable! $1.50 each! Alicia and I are definitely going to recreate these fabulous things soon!!!! Everything else was pretty darn good….except the moon pies. Eh…average. Apparently, we need to try the peach ice cream sandwiches next time! ;)

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Happy Birthday Babe!!!!!

The fabulousness continued for the rest of the trip in the food department. 

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Our last meal in our little paradise was lunch today. 

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I will always remember this trip and smile…the kids always laughing and swimming, the beautiful sunsets, and the memories forever instilled in my heart. 

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  1. Did the kids go to the Masters too, or just the grownups? I got married in Naples, FL and that's where my parents in law live - it's gorgeous! I'll laugh when my MIL says it's a bit chilly because it's in the 60s!

  2. @Biz
    Just the grownups. Kids stayed back with my friends in laws. I love Naples...so beautiful!!!!


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