Short but Sweet

That’s exactly what my trip to New Jersey was: short and sweet. I arrived Friday night and met my mom, brother, sister in law and nephew at the hotel. Stephanie brought me a huge plate of homemade Italian food that he mom had made. 

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I was not complaining. Amazing. I went to bed a happy camper. 

Saturday morning I grabbed a yogurt parfait and coffee downstairs to enjoy while getting ready for my nephew’s baptism. 

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The ceremony was beautiful and I even managed to snag a quick “church selfie” with my mom:

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Afterwards, the entire group gathered at Filomena’s for lunch. My meal started with a delicious salad:

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We shared the Gnocchi to start:

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Which was followed by Chicken Al Limone:

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Another fabulous Italian meal!

We went back to Stephanie’s parent’s house where we enjoyed some amazing pizza for dinner. 

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This slice was followed by a pepperoni slice which was even better than the veggie. Eventually we dragged ourselves back to the hotel to go to bed.

Breakfast this morning was at PJ’s Diner. I had two eggs over-easy, home fries, bacon and toast.

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After we said our goodbyes, we headed to the Philadelphia airport for our flights. Steph, my mom and my brother’s flight left a couple of hours before mine. I managed to pass the time wisely at Vino Volo.

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I feel like the weekend flew back in an instant. I shared a hotel room with my mom which was really fun….I can’t remember the last time we did that! Congratulations to my adorable nephew on his baptism! I’m very thankful that I was able to be there to share in such a special day.

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