135.6 today, 135.2…Cravings

Thursday night I dug around in my freezer to find something for dinner. My foot was hurting and I wanted something fast. I found a container of Tomato-Yogurt Chicken Curry and decided that was dinner.

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It wasn’t as good as the first time. Can’t win em all.

Friday morning’s breakfast was Pineapple Chobani yogurt, Cascadian Farms granola, strawberries and raspberries.

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I took the kids to school and went to their Jogathon which was beyond cute. They run laps on the field while raising money for the school.

Afterwards it was lunch with the girls at Love Boat sushi!

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Awesome lunch. 

I picked up the kids from school and then Lisa and her girls came over for dinner and a sleep over. For a looooong time, I’ve been craving one of my favorite meals ever: Beef Stroganoff. I decided to make it for Lisa so she could experience its glory.

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She’s a beef stroganoff convert now. The original recipe says it serves 6. Yeah right…I’m lucky if I get 4 servings out of it. It’s so good I can’t stop eating it.

Saturday morning’s breakfast was an egg sandwich on an English muffin. Each bite got dipped in ketchup.

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I took my son to his tennis lesson and then both of them to their scouts thing at the school. For lunch I happily enjoyed some of the beef stroganoff leftovers.

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After I picked them up we went to Alicia’s son’s birthday party at their house. I enjoyed some wine and pizza.

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Perfect Saturday night dinner!

This morning we had a bunch of leftover pancakes to use up so I gladly ate them for breakfast.

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I’ve just been working on getting my email cleaned out and my desk cleaned up. Lisa (aka my life saver) brought me lunch from Wahoo’s.

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Love my taco diet!

What are you craving right now?


  1. Are you losing weight bc of the Wahoo diet? What exactly is it...just a regular taco?

  2. @MelJane
    I'd like to say it is as easy as eating tacos, but it's not. I've been really watching portion sizes. Before I broke my foot and especially more now, I've been really trying to stop eating when I'm 80% full. It's hard but you get used to it after awhile.
    As for the Wahoo's tacos, here's what I eat: 2 fish tacos on flour tortillas, extra cabbage, pico de gallo, a little cheese and guacamole, sauce on the side. They are SO good!


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