138.0…Little Black Dress Party

Happy weekend!!! Hope it’s treating you well!

Thursday night we took the kids to the club for dinner. As usual, I opted for the soup and salad bar. The soup was New England clam chowder and I love their ranch dressing. It was a no brainer.

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Yesterday’s breakfast was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Cascadian Farms granola, raspberries and blueberries.

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I took the kids to school and then went to Cardio Muscle class.

Lunch was fish tacos at Wahoo’s with Lisa and Annette. These were birthday fish tacos actually….it was Lisa’s birthday!

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I volunteered at the school and then came home to get ready for the party at our club. Remember “The White Party” awhile back? Well, last night was the Little Black Dress party. I remember the lack of food last time, so I ate before I left.

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Quesadillas with sour cream and salsa. Smart move…I didn’t eat anything the rest of the night. I was too busy having fun!

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The birthday girl arrives!

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Nice flask right? Part of my birthday gift to her. :)

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Once the DJ started playing, I don’t think we left the dance floor.

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Surprise! Birthday cake!

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What a fun night! Happy Birthday Lisa!!!

Do you eat before you go to parties?


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