139.0…Short & Sweet

That’s exactly what this post will be. Short and sweet. Because of my luxurious lunch yesterday, I wasn’t exactly hungry for dinner. Plus, I really didn’t think I needed any extra calories for the day! :)

This morning’s breakfast was an egg beater sandwich on an English muffin with shredded cheddar cheese. This time I added some chipotle salsa to the egg beaters before cooking them and I like the way it turned out!

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I took the kiddos to school, went to a meeting and then did some volunteering. Lunch was at Urban Plates:

January 2013 258

Cobb salad with some seriously amazing tasting chicken. I love that place!

I ran some errands and will be picking up the kids shortly. No plans tonight. A quiet evening at home. Sounds fabulous to me!

When was the last time you skipped a meal? It happens so rarely for me but maybe it’s more common??
