140.8…Piling It On

Last night I attended the Jewish Federation of San Diego’s annual Options dinner and program. The Jewish Federation helps Jewish families in San Diego, Israel and all over the world. Last night’s event was the biggest attendance ever of Jewish woman at an event in San Diego and I was proud to be a part of it.

This year’s dinner was served buffet style. I helped myself to a salad before the line got too long.

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Then the line really started to grow. Buffets are a bit (a lot) dangerous for me. I tend to really pile the food on my plate. Last night was no exception. I knew I wouldn’t go back for seconds (too many people, speakers were about to start) so I piled everything on my plate.

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It was heavy. Fortunately I didn’t eat it all, but I came close.

I almost came close to finishing all my dessert too.

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Today I need to get back on track. I started the day off right with pineapple Chobani, Cascadian Farms granola and berries for breakfast.

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Since I was given the “all-clear” to get back into my old workout routine, I hit the gym for my favorite Cardio Muscle class after I dropped the kids off at school. Felt good to be able to jump around again!

I ran a bunch of errands after class and then went to Wahoo’s for fish tacos.

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Now if I can just steer clear of buffets for awhile, I’ll be good to go.

Buffet fan or no?


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