140.4…Early Bird Special

There was an event at the school last night that didn’t leave enough time for us to go all the way home and come back so we decided to take the kids to PF Changs for an early dinner. Really early. 4:45.

I ordered the Shanghai Shrimp with Garlic Sauce and brown rice.

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I load it with spicy chili sauce and I’m good to go. Low calorie and filling. It needs to be filling since I’m eating it at 4:45!

After the school event we came home and then I went over to Lisa’s house to watch The Bachelor. She recently moved and has an awesome home theater.

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Not a bad way to watch The Bachelor which I’m really enjoying by the way. It’s hilarious! Where do they find some of these people!?!

This morning’s breakfast was an egg beater sandwich with avocado and shredded cheddar cheese with some some strawberries on the side.

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I took the kids to school and then met Lisa at the gym. I did an hour of treadmill and elliptical. Afterwards I ran a ton of errands. I stopped at the mall to get a few things and had lunch at Nordstrom.

Cilantro Lime Chicken Salad:

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T'was very good!

I ran some more errands afterwards (productive day) and stopped at Starbucks for a latte before picking up the kids from school.

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I’m looking forward to a quiet night in tonight!

Are you watching The Bachelor this season?
