
Another freezer success story on Wednesday. I froze my Chicken Enchilada Pasta with not much hope of it defrosting well.  I was wrong.

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It reheated so well and I think tasted even better the second time! It also helped that I added green onions, sour cream and guacamole. 

Yesterday’s breakfast was scrambled egg beaters with salsa and shredded cheese. I had some strawberries on the side.

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I dropped the kids off at school and went to the gym for an hour. I ran some errands and stopped at Wahoo’s for lunch.

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Last night was Bunco. No one was able to host it so we had it at our club! My friend Lauren set it up and decided we should have a theme to dress up to: Real Housewives. Wear all your fur & bling!

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Hard to tell but I even used glitter eyeliner.

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Our club had a “Pizzeria” Theme night but I just opted for their salad bar. Their ranch dressing is out of this world fabulous. I could bathe in it. I’m completely obsessed.

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I had TWO more plates that looked just like that. I also had a 10 minute conversation with one of my friends on why ranch dressing rocks and all the fabulous things you can put it on/dip in it.

I borrowed Lisa’s fur hat:

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All the ladies:

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T'was a good night indeed.

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This morning’s breakfast was a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and a side of strawberries. An oldie but goodie!

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I took the kids to school and went to Cardio Muscle class. So far this week, I’ve worked out 4 times. That’s the most since before I broke my foot. My body is tired.

Not too tired to make it to Love Boat sushi for lunch with my friends! I started with miso soup.

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I had tuna and yellow tail sushi as well. The shrimp were Lisa’s.

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My favorite roll:

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Wasabi Roll! Sinuses cleared!

Are you a ranch dressing fan? What’s the strangest thing you eat it with?


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