145.2...Onion Dip from Scratch

Any time we have anyone from my husband’s family over, out comes the onion dip. I prefer mine with Ruffles potato chips or kettle style chips but his family is all about the Doritos with onion dip. Hey…don’t knock it till you try it!

I decided to try a homemade version of onion dip and see how it would go over….

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Onion Dip from Scratch 

Recipe from Alton Brown


 2 Tbsp. olive oil

1 1/2 cups diced onions

1/4 tsp. kosher salt

1 1/2 cups sour cream

3/4 cup mayonnaise 

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1/4 tsp. white pepper

1/2 tsp. kosher salt


1. In a sauté pan over medium heat add oil, heat and add onions and salt. Cook the onions until they are caramelized, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

2. Mix the rest of the ingredients, and then add the cooled onions. Refrigerate and stir again before serving.

Printable Recipe

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The verdict: I liked it…nice change of pace from the Lipton Onion Soup Mix I usually mix with sour cream. Although I think the mayo in the from scratch version turned some people off. My husband found it a bit rich. Try it and tell me what you think!

We have some friends in town from Canada and we met them for dinner last night at The Pony Room. Of course we had to share The Brandt Farm Beef Sliders (“the sauce”, crispy onion, béarnaise, bacon)…these things are the best things on the menu!

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Buffalo Popcorn Chicken Bites (blue cheese cabbage slaw, house sweet & spicy glaze):

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I ordered the Ahi Tuna Poke (marinated cucumber, spiced wonton) as well as a cup of Clam Chowder:

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Both were delicious! The Pony Room never disappoints!

Breakfast this morning:

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I got a bunch of stuff done around the house this morning. I picked up the kids and stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. It was my son’s idea but he ended up not liking the hot wings. Oh well. I had a grilled chicken salad and split hot wings with my son.

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Tonight is a very special Bunco at Alicia’s house, co hosted by Lisa. Stay tuned….

What do you like to dip in onion dip?

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