145.4....4th of July Fruit Pizza

I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July!! We definitely did! I cooked A LOT. We went to Alicia’s for the 4th and I brought over a couple of desserts, one being 4th of July Fruit Pizza! It was a big hit with the kids especially, although when I first told my daughter about it, she exclaimed, “Fruit Pizza??? Yuck!!!” Lol.

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4th of July Fruit Pizza


Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough

8 oz. cream cheese

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Fresh blueberries

Fresh strawberries



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread the sugar cookie dough into a circle on a pizza pan and bake for 15 minutes. Let cookie dough cool.

2. Cream the cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla together in a medium bowl until it is smooth and spreadable. 

3. After the cookie has cooled, spread the cream cheese mixture over cookie and completely cover.

4. Top the cream cheese with strawberries, blueberries and sprinkles. Cut into pieces and enjoy!

Printable Recipe

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Friday night we went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. I had a bowl of the Smashed Pea and Barley Soup.

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As well as the Asparagus and Arugula Salad:

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We went to the San Diego Fair afterwards. Big mistake to go 4th of July weekend. It took an hour to get a parking spot. It was too crowded inside too. Oh well, at least we did it. I did have a few bites of my husband’s funnel cake but nothing else. I was hoping to try a new fried delight but didn’t see one that looked interesting. Next year!

Breakfast Saturday was the usual plus a slice of prosciutto. 

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Saturday I spent the day cooking. Lunch was a quick tuna sandwich and pickle spears.

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Besides the 4th of July Fruit Pizza, I brought some Salted Pretzel Marshmallow Blondies to Alicia’s house. 

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They look good but they turned out just ok. I didn’t like how the pretzels didn’t stay crunchy. I’m not dedicating a post to the recipe but if you still want to try them, check them out here

Alicia made our insanely fabulous Hot Wings for dinner. 

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I brought over Vegetable Cole Slaw (recipe coming) to go with it.

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We were able to see a few sets of fireworks from her backyard. It was so relaxing not to have to deal with the crowds!

Breakfast yesterday morning was the usual. 

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Kate and John and their kids came over for a BBQ lunch. I tried a new dip: Black Bean Dip.

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It was a flop. Boring. I even jazzed it up a bit with fire roasted tomatoes instead of the plain ones that the recipe called for but still boring. Better with hot sauce but I wouldn’t repeat it. 

Fortunately I made  My Favorite Guacamole so all was not lost. 

The main event was a hit! Caesar Chicken Burgers, Caesar Cole Slow with Tangy Caper Dressing and Corn on the Cob with Roasted Garlic Butter:

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Can’t wait to share these recipes with you!!

For dessert, I made Buttermilk Lemon Chess Pie (recipe coming):

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It turned out really well!!

Kate brought a delicious Hershey Bar Pie!

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Somehow I had room for dinner last night. We picked up Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza. I had Chopped Chicken Salad and a Prosciutto Pizza. 

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Breakfast this morning was the usual. 

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I dropped my daughter off at gymnastics camp and went to a Tabata Drills class at the gym. It was tough! 

I went grocery shopping afterwards then home for lunch. I had the last Caesar Chicken Burger along with the leftover Chopped Chicken Salad. 

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Tomorrow my husband is hosting his poker group at our house so I need to get cooking. Again!

Did you make any new recipes this past weekend? Were they hits or misses?

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