Hawaii 5-0

There are some trips that you have that you'll never forget laughing for hours and making memories that will be burned in your heart forever. My trip to Hawaii to celebrate Lisa's 50th birthday was just that: an experience that can never be forgotten and one that will live with me always. 

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I arrived and just like that, it was over. I not only came away with amazing memories but some seriously fabulous photos. I'm warning you now….I have a ton of photos to share!

Most of the ladies arrived last Saturday but Alicia and I came last Sunday. We enjoyed some wine at the airport before heading out to Kona.

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We arrived late and headed to Darci's house (she graciously let us all stay there for the week!). It was basically a "hi" and "goodnight".

The next day some of the ladies went zip lining. I stayed back (worried about my back) with Alicia and Nicole. We walked to Huggo's on the Rock for some lunch. We split a shredded pork quesadilla to start:

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That was followed by delicious fish tacos:

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Monday evening's sunset at the house was spectacular. I soon learned that it was spectacular every night.

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That night we went to Thai food for dinner. Yep, Thai. It was time. We all shared a delicious coconut soup as well as chicken wings to start.

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I opted for the Thai fried rice for dinner.

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Lisa and I:

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We came back to the house and hung out before heading to bed.

Tuesday we decided to drive one of the hotels to use their beach.

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A perfect day.

We stopped for dinner at an Italian restaurant in a shopping center nearby. We all shared some calamari. 

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I ordered fettucine with vodka sauce. 

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There's nothing like a fabulous bowl of pasta.

Wednesday morning started out with all the right liquids:

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We drove to Hilo for a helicopter ride over the volcano and waterfalls. We stopped for lunch first at Cafe Pesto. I had the ahi sandwich with fries.

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Then it was time to head to the airport for our flight!

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Absolutely gorgeous and thrilling experience!!!! The volcano is active but we didn't see any flowing lava. A ton of smoke and little fires here and there. Still spectacular, nonetheless.

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A couple of the ladies stayed back for the day and when we returned, they had prepared  us a fabulous dinner!

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So spoiled! We stayed in for the rest of the evening and just hung out in the jacuzzi.

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Thursday there were a few ladies departing so we hung out near the airport to shop and have lunch while they each took off for the airport. We stopped at this great burger place for lunch and I enjoyed an amazing fish sandwich and fries.

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We went to dinner at Huggo's. I had the lobster and crab ravioli. 

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Friday morning, we were down from 9 ladies to 5.

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Lisa and I decided to go parasailing. I've never done it before and have to admit, I was a bit nervous! We opted to have photos taken and I can't wait to share those with you when I receive them. But for now, you'll have to settle for the photos that the other took at the house when we passed by:

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You get the picture. :) So much fun…..incredible experience up there. So quiet…Lisa and I just hung out and talked and took in the amazing view. 

We met up with everyone else afterwards for fish and chips for lunch.

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We came back to the house and enjoyed our final gorgeous sunset at the house before heading to dinner at Ulu Sushi Lounge at the Four Seasons for dinner. 

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 Can this get any better!?! 

We shared some table side poke to start. 

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That was followed by some delicious sushi rolls. 

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Don't forget the chocolate soufflé for dessert!

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We went out dancing afterwards at Amethyst and then called it a night. 

This morning, there were only 4 of us left. We enjoyed our last cup of morning coffee together before packing up and heading the airport. I was on a different flight so I said my goodbyes then headed for my flight. My first stop was in Honolulu. I ended up at Umaizsushi for lunch.

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I have to admit…I was a bit skeptical about the airport sushi restaurant but it was so delicious. Hit the spot!!!

Now I'm headed home with a heavy heart but happy to return home to my family. Happy birthday to you, Lisa!!! Thank you to you and Darci for making it a trip I'll never forget!

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  1. What an amazing trip! I would never tire of those sunsets!

  2. Crying as I read this…was truly spectacular to be in such a magical place with such amazing company. There are no words. Thank you for yours.


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