146.4…Black & Bling

I had a repeat meal two night in a row because I liked it that much. Baked salmon and Quinoa Tabbouleh with Feta was my dinner again Wednesday night. 

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I had to attend a school event that night so it was an early dinner for me.

Breakfast yesterday morning was scrambled egg beaters again with green onions, salsa and cheddar cheese. 

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I ran some errands, stopping for lettuce wrapped fish tacos at Wahoo's. It has been a LONG time since I've had those!

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My fabulous friend Lisa is turning 50 this month. Yes, I said 50. Please let me look as good as she does when I'm 50!!!! 

Last night was Bunco at Nora's house and it was in honor of Lisa's birthday. Being that it was dedicated to Lisa, there had to a theme, of course! Last night's theme was "Black & Bling": wear black and pile on as much bling as possible. Dinner was also one of Lisa's favorite's: Luna Grill. 

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I enjoyed two helpings of lamb, chicken, tzatziki and salad. 

Most of the photos from last night are on LIsa's camera so you will have to make due with mine. My photos are courtesy of a fun "selfie device" that my sister in law, Stephanie, gave me for Christmas. You plug it in your phone and it has a cord with a button at the end, allowing you to take selfies easier. LOL. We had a ball with it.

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Check out the beautiful dessert table!

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I couldn't resist the mini brownies with mascarpone frosting!! 

Fabulous night last night! Thank you so much Nora for hosting. Happy Birthday Lisa! Love you!

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I had had it with scrambled egg beaters this morning so toast with peanut butter it was. 

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After I took the kids to school, I ran some errands and came home to do laundry and stuff around the house. Lunch was the rest of the Quinoa Tabbouleh with Feta

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Big weekend ahead: tomorrow is my daughter's birthday party and we have a ton of family coming over. Sunday I leave for Hawaii for a week! I'm meeting Lisa and friends there to celebrate her birthday! Let's the birthday fun continue!!

If you could pick a theme for a party that describes you, what would it be?

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