136.4…Cleaning Out The Fridge

I seemed to have accumulated a ton of leftovers over the last few days. I made a pretty good dent in them over the last day.

Dinner last night was the last of the Marinated Chicken Kebabs, some Greek Salad and Easy Tzatziki.

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Are you getting tired of looking at it? Fortunately, I’m not tired of eating it. I’m also not tired of these:

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Peanut Butter M&M Blondies and Sugar Bomb Bars. I had a bit of each for dessert.  You know I’m just doing my job of eating the leftovers! :)

Breakfast this morning was homemade peanut butter on a toasted Cinnamon Raisin Bagel Thin and some leftover watermelon from this past weekend.

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I have decided that I really don’t like the bagel thins. I like the puffier top piece but the bottom slice is too thin and gets really hard in the toaster no matter how little I toast it. Boo.

I took the kids to school and went to Zumba class. I came home for a quick lunch.

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The rest of the leftover turkey chili that my sister in law made this past weekend. This chili rocks!

I picked up my daughter from school and then my son a bit later. Tonight I’m going to Love Boat Sushi for my friend Dina’s birthday. I’m ready for some sushi!

Do you have any leftovers in your fridge that need using up?


  1. I love having leftovers! Saving them makes me feel less of a need to stuff my face the first time around and then they make a great lunch the next day! And who wouldn't want the awesome leftovers you have at your house!

  2. My husband never eats leftovers - ever. Except for cold fried chicken and meatloaf - ew!

    I think I've had something Mexican four times this week!

    I don't like the bagel thins either - I usually get a regular bagel, and then scoop out some of the insides - you get all the flavor of the bagel but less calories.

    Happy Friday!

  3. @Biz
    Great idea with the bagel! I may have to try that! I love bagels!

  4. @Grace
    Lately I have really enjoyed my leftovers but sometimes I wish they'd go away. :)


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