At least I ate some fruit.

My husband rocks. Ok, just had to get that out there. My massage last night at the hotel was fabulous. After all this half marathon training, my legs really needed it! Before I left I told my hubby what I wanted from The Cheesecake Factory. I tried something new: Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp:

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He took the kiddos to pick up dinner and brought it back to the room. When I got back from the spa, dinner was served! I thought the dish was just ok. A little too sweet for me and not spicy enough. It probably would have tasted better if it was fresh at the restaurant so I’m not going to rule it out.

After a great night’s sleep, I brewed some coffee and ate some peanut butter pretzels before my morning run.

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I normally take Sundays off but I’m going to be in Los Angeles tomorrow and won’t have time so I decided to get it done today in Palm Springs. Today’s run was 3 miles.

Mile 1 – 10:58

Mile 2 – 10:24

Mile 3 – 10:05

After changing we all went to the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast. I went straight to the buffet for a veggie egg white omelet and a bagel with lox, tomato, red onion and cream cheese:

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Plate number 2:

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See! Fruit! Up to this point, the only fruit I had had in the last 24 hours was in my wine!

My husband rocks because he sent me to the spa for a salt scrub and another massage! OMG.

When I returned to our room, my sister in law, her four boys and my mother in law arrived for a visit and brought pizza, wine, and M&M’s.

Lunch of champions:

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Do you like how I couldn’t wait to take a bite before I took the picture?

Hubby is having his turn at the spa, the kiddos are with their cousins at the pool and somehow I’ve found myself alone in the hotel room. How did that happen? Who’s going to keep me away from the wine and M&M’s?

Do you like The Cheesecake Factory? What do you order? I LOVE their Herb Crusted Salmon Salad.


  1. I'm a HUGE fan of cheesecake factory. Although there is WAY too much on that menu for me to choose, so most of the time I stick with a salad. Chicken Csr or BBQ chicken. I doubt they are that good for me being that they are GIGANTIC but it's what I like and we only live once! Now the real question is, what is your favorite cheesecake?!?

  2. there were totally veggies in your eggs -- so cut yourself some slack! hehe!

    come over for wine minus the m&ms! hehe

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  3. TWO massages?!?! LUCKY, lucky woman!!

    I do like Cheesecake Factory a lot!! I LOVE their barbeque chicken salad and love love the brown oat bread. Oh yeah, and the cheesecake. mmhmm.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! You can't beat two massages!

    I love Cheesecake Factory! They have a salad there that I love but I cannot remember the name of it right now to save my life!

  5. Love cheesecake, Been going there for some time but only recently discovered their most amazing dish ever...

  6. I feel bad b/c I must have not been paying attention on a previous post and totally missed that you were travelling! Is this a mini vacation or something? I've never had the opportunity to dine at Cheesecake Factory b/c there isn't one in our entire state, as far as I know. I'd be kinda scared to eat there, truthfully. Because I'm pretty sure I'd just order an entire cheesecake for my meal. And eat the whole thing.

  7. I ADORE the cheesecake factory.

    all bread aside, I am obsessed with their brunches. the omelets are HUGE, and when I order an egg-white omelet, it's always just as big as the regular one, which is very hard to come by in a restaurant.

    I'm also a huge fan of their pasta bolognese. :)


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