143.0…Hello again old friends.

What old friends you ask? Well, fruits and vegetables of course! They have seriously been lacking in my diet lately. Time to put a stop to that! But first, let’s take a took at last night’s meal(s) that also lacked in the old friend department.

I had planned on going over to a friend’s house for a last minute “game night” after the kids went to bed, so I had a light meal with the hubby. I cooked up some penne pasta and reheated the last of the fabulous Vodka Sauce. I will miss that sauce greatly. I took about half the portion I really wanted to eat. It was hard.

February 2011 009

But I’m glad I resisted. Once at my friend’s house, I was greeted with various homemade pizzas:

February 2011 010

February 2011 011

And wine:

February 2011 012

I did practice a little self control while there…I didn’t eat ALL of the pizza. :)

I almost passed up dessert but glad I didn’t:

February 2011 013

Pound cake, vanilla ice cream, lemon curd and biscotti. Why would you ever say NO to that?

We played a few games and went to bed way too late but had a freakin blast!

Well, saying NO is something I must learn to do. Enough indulging and back to the basics, folks. Bring on the fruits and veggies!

Breakfast: Cinnamon Burst Cheerios (love this!) with almond milk and a ton of cantaloupe:

February 2011 014

I took the kids to school, went to Target, the bank, the drycleaner, the pet supply store and the grocery store.  I was home by 10:30Am. Efficient.

Lunch was a salad bigger than my head:

February 2011 015

I put some hummus in the bowl, poured balsamic vinegar over it and stirred until it came together. I added tuna, mixed greens, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms, red onions and tomatoes. I missed you salad.

I need to have a super early dinner tonight because I’m meeting my team for our first track workout.  We start at 6:30PM. I know I need to eat something first…there’s no way I could wait until 8:30 tonight to eat dinner. So I guess it’s the early bird special for me tonight.

Do you workout in the morning or evening? I always get it done in the morning. This is going to be weird tonight. :)


  1. I just saw that you made a lunch with hummus salad dressing--we love to do that with some red wine vinegar! It's like Caesar without the raw egg and fat :)

  2. AHHHH I knew I forgot something at the store! it was those cheerios!!! drat!

    I hope you know I was teasing you hardcore in that last email =)

    Working out in the evening usually leaves me too hyper to sleep! morning or afternoon is my best workout time for sure!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  3. I don't get the almond milk thing. Can you explain it in a post perhaps? Uri made a really good vodka sauce the other night too - Mario Batali recipe. Delicious.

  4. I have never made vodka sauce! I need to fix that. The dessert sounds divine! I'm a morning workout - otherwise I stress over it all day.

  5. I may have just passed out over my excitement for you and your wonderful foods. vodka sauce? to die for. homemade pizza? love. wiiiine? duh, you know I'm sold. ;)

    I need to make my own vodka sauce! it's sad I never have, because I'm totally obsessed.

    and I'd LOVE to get my workout done in the morning (that's what I do on weekends), but I can't make myself get up in the 4 am range to get a good workout in before work. waaah!

  6. I'm working on brining the fruit and veg back too! What did you think of that hummus dressing? I always have hummus on hand (it's my favorite food) but never thought to use it as a base for dressing. I work out in the evening b/c I can never get up early enough to do it b4 work.

  7. mmmm...pizza! i'm actually a lunchtime worker outer. sometimes that means i come back to work without a shower (shhh, don't tell!), but it's great to get more sleep and not have to wake up early or stay up late!

  8. nothing better than homemade pizza - and games! I'm evening! But mornings on the weekend or it won't get done!


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