142.8…Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

I was so lazy yesterday! I didn’t want to do anything. When dinner time rolled around, I didn’t want to make anything. But I was hungry. On nights like these, I turn to pasta.

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Linguine, marinara sauce and fresh spinach….dinner is done.

I washed the dishes, put the kids to bed  and went to bed myself.

Breakfast was a breakfast burrito:

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Egg Beaters, refried beans and salsa on a wheat tortilla.

I’m going a baby shower this afternoon. Then over to a friend’s house to watch the Oscars. At least I’ve seen a couple of the movies nominated. Normally I haven’t seen ANY of them nor have I even heard of them. :)

I decided to bake some treats to bring over to the Oscars party. Still feeling slightly lazy, I decided to use a mix to make cupcakes:

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I bought this at Costco during the holiday and hadn’t tried it yet. Ghirardelli makes my favorite brownie mix so I thought I’d give it a try. I used the frosting recipe from the back of the box.

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Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

Original Recipe: Ghirardelli

2 2/3 cup powdered sugar

6 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1/3 cup milk

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Place frosting ingredients in mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, mix on low speed until moistened. Scrape bowl. Change mixer speed to high and mix until light and fluffy.

I was able to frost all but 3 cupcakes so I tried a cupcake without the frosting. Pretty darn good! It would be a very good bundt cake! :)

Have a great rest of your weekend!!!

Are you watching the Oscars tonight? Have you seen any of the movies nominated?

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  1. Hope you have fun at the Oscar's party!

    I honestly can't say if I've seen any of the nominated movies...because I don't know what all has been nominated. I'm guessing not...going out to movies hasn't happened much (read: any) since baby came :)

  2. I always make sure I have pasta and marinara on hand because usually once a week I'm just not in the mood to cook! Cupcakes look divine and sadly I haven't seen many of the movies! I will tune in for the fashion of course! :)

  3. Pasta and sauce is a great go to meal! Those cupcakes look beautiful!!!

  4. Oh how I love the cupcakes! those ones look lovely!


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