144.0…Enough is enough

There comes a day when you realize that enough is enough. Today was that day. Jello shots and a million mini cupcakes are fun but eventually they sneak up on you and bite you in the ass. Time to get back to the healthy ways of life!

Last night after all that wine and cake, I came home feeling sluggish (I wonder why!?!). Fortunately, the hubby and kids wanted Pei Wei for dinner. Yes!

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Kids size honey seared shrimp with brown rice and veggies. We all went to Sweet Things for frozen yogurt but I didn’t have any. I didn’t even want any. That’s when you know it’s time to get a hold of your crazy eating. ;)

Today is a new day! Yes! I wasn’t feel super hungry at breakfast (another shocker!) so I just had a bowl of Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk and a couple tangerines:

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I took the kids to school and then met some friends for a little shopping. We went to this woman’s home where she sells tons of cute clothes/accessories for fabulous prices! I snagged a couple of things and on my way out, I asked the hostess if there were any good running trails by her house.  Lucky (or unlucky as the case may be) there was one! I should have know by her slender, in shape figure that this route might not be what I was planning on.

The whole first mile and a half was uphill. Ugh. And on a trail that wasn’t very firm….lots of twigs and other non-productive to running ground cover. But I made it….I plowed through. Must burn off those cupcakes!! I was lovin the way back though….all down hill.

Mile 1 – 11:42

Mile 2 – 11:19

Mile 3 – 10:23

I went in my sweaty clothes to get some lunch at Subway:

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Then went to a new grocery store that opened by me: Fresh & Easy. I think I liked it. :) They have mostly their brand stuff so the jury’s out on that plus some regular brand stuff. Excited to try it! The prices seemed quite reasonable as well.

After getting all the groceries put away and getting cleaned up, I grabbed some cherries and went to pick up the kids from school.

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I’m making a new recipe from Great News cooking school that I’m excited about. Can’t wait to share it with you tomorrow!

Have you ever been to a Fresh & Easy? What’s your favorite grocery store?


  1. A little indulgence is fun but it always remeinds me that I totally can't do that all the time! =) Some good eats will have you feeling ah-mazing <3

    I've been LIVING off of those darn clementines btw! mmm

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. Oh my. I love grocery stores. More than anyone should love them. In Texas, I love HEB and central market. In LA, I love gelson's. I love whole foods and dean&deluca. Clearly, I have a problem.

    Good luck getting back on track. I need to too!

  3. I never heard of the store but I love exploring new ones! My favorite is a local market called Adams Fairacre Farms. Saw your video from last night - so cute and fun!

  4. I LOVE checking out grocery stores. I was excited when Fresh and Easy started popping up around here, but have been less than impressed with them. I still love Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.

  5. I love new grocery stores! I completely agree with you...when dessert starts sounding no good, I know I've had too many indulgences!

  6. I know that feeling for sure! Bet you're feeling much better already. Those cinnamon burst cheerios are calling to me. I've never seen them but I'll have to get me some! I also loooove the chocolate ones.

  7. I love Publix and Trder Joe's, which we don't have in Florida=( Your Pei Wei looks so yummy! and I love your dancing video by the way! I have no rhythm so it's nice to see some people can break it down!

  8. I've never heard of that store! I'm jealous... all I really have by me is a Trader Joe's.

    and believe me, I've totally been there when you can't get enough sweets... aaaand suddenly it comes full circle and you never want to see a sweet again.

    ..until a few days later, right? ;)

  9. Great workout!! I LOVE Pei Wei and Subway...YUM!!! I hear ya on the whole indulgence thing!! Costco is my FAVORITE!! Have a great weekend gorgeous girl!


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