I LIke It!

Wednesday night, I went to the best concert of my life.

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Pitbull & Enrique Iglesias. It was epic. I'm not normally a big concert goer because I don't always love live music. I like to hear the songs the way I know them. This concert did not disappoint. 

Dina, Silvana, Lisa and I hit the road for the concert at Valley View Casino Center. 

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Thanks to a friend, we were able to get a tour of the tour bus area and well as the stage area.

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Finally it was time to take our seats! 

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Enrique performed first. He rocked the house. 

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Thank you to LIsa for running up to the stage to grab some fabulous photos!

Pitbull was next and he stole the show. 

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For the final song of the night, Pitbull and Enrique both performed "I Like It" and they brought the house down. I have some video that is taking too long to upload that I will share later. 

Insanely fabulous night. 

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Friday morning the kids didn't have school. I needed the extra sleep!! I grabbed a Cascadian Farm Protein Bar for breakfast before heading out to an appointment. 

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Lunch was a turkey sandwich and some Cool Ranch Doritos. 

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I took the kids to various activities before coming home for dinner. The last of the Creamy Taco Mac leftovers: 

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Then we all hit the road for Los Angeles. We are here this weekend for a golf tournament that my husband is in, plus my brother's birthday party. It was pretty late by the time we arrived so we checked into our hotel and went to bed. 

I had room service this morning for breakfast. I ordered a bagel with cream cheese and lox.

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Unfortunately, my bagel tasted stale, like it had been toasted an hour prior. Boo.

I took the kids over to my sister in law's house where they are staying this weekend so they can hang out with their cousins. My sister in law made turkey wraps and salad for lunch.

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Now I'm back at the hotel. We are heading out to dinner with some friends tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Are you a fan of live music?

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