139.4…Ugly Cake

Hot Wing night on Monday was fabulous.

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Wine, wings, family and friends. A perfect evening, if you ask me.

We went to Alicia’s house and she cooked up the perfect batch of hot wings.

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Ignore the box of Easy Mac in the background. That was for the kiddos. :)

This was for me:

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Just looking at that picture makes me want more. 

Yesterday morning’s breakfast was a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and strawberries.

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It was my son’s 8th birthday! I took them to school and we celebrated his birthday in the classroom.

I came home to finish the birthday cake I was making and to have lunch.

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Tuna sandwich, carrots and ranch dressing.

I picked up the kids plus my son’s friend from school and headed over to Torrey Pines for a hike. My son likes to do that hike every year for his birthday plus go to PF Changs for dinner which is exactly where we went.

Lettuce wraps to share:

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My husband and I also shared Sesame Chicken and Chicken Lo Mein:

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We dropped my son’s friend off at his home and then came home for birthday cake. Before I show you the cake, let me preface it by saying that my son specifically asked for blue frosting. I am not the best cake decorator (by far) so it’s not pretty.

Ok. You can look now.

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I decided the blue cake needed a little something so I added crushed up Oreos around the outside. Then it just looked like I had put dirt all around it. Oh well.

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Everyone seemed to like it though! I used recipes for Basic Chocolate Cake  and Ultimate Vanilla Cake Frosting from Food Network magazine. 

Breakfast this morning was en egg beater sandwich on an English muffin with shredded cheddar cheese and strawberries.

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I took the kids to school, then drove to Los Angeles to visit my dad in the hospital. He was just moved out of ICU into a step down ICU room. Progress! They are also talking about moving him today or tomorrow to a regular room!

Lunch today was both a winner and a loser in the cafeteria. They had lamb sliders with red onion, tomato and tzatziki which I couldn’t resist.

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I got a salad to go with it. I’m not sure what kind of lettuce it was…escarole maybe…but it was too strong. Made everything taste bitter. :( I’m ready for more lamb sliders!

Are you an “ugly cake maker” like me? :)


  1. I can't decorate a cake for shit, but one year for Hannah's birthday (her 19th) I made a double chocolate cake with coffee bean brittle that turned out amazeballs!


    Glad your papa is feeling better!


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