138.4…Home At Last

I ate lunch at the hospital cafeteria (big surprise) on Saturday. Everyday I walk in there knowing I’m going to do the same thing as I always do. Pace around until I finally decide on something. When you eat in a cafeteria as often as I have, things get old really fast.

After my pacing, I finally decided on split pea soup and a salad.

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Later on I went with my husband to my brother in law’s house where my kids were staying. We watched the kids swim, ate some chips and dip and then ordered out for dinner from Rosti. I ordered the Grilled Salmon salad.

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It was really good. Then my husband made himself a bowl of cookie dough ice cream for dessert. I could not resist. It’s my favorite ice cream.

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After dinner I went back to the hospital to visit with my dad for bit before heading back to the hotel for the night.

I had breakfast at the hotel on Sunday morning. I had a slice of wheat toast with Dijon mustard, cucumber, red onion, tomato and lox. I also had a plate of fruit.

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I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon at the hospital. Lunch was another bout of pacing finally deciding on cream of chicken soup and a salad.

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After lunch, I said my good byes, picked up the kiddos and drove back to San Diego. Home sweet home! What made it even sweeter was going to Burger Night at our club. This time I chose a turkey burger with pesto aioli, arugula, tomato, red onion all on a buttermilk bun. My side was sweet potato fries.

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Excellent as always.

It was extremely nice to sleep in my own bed last night. It was not extremely nice to have to get up super early this morning. After two weeks of spring break, the kids went back to school today. Back to normal life!

Breakfast was pineapple Chobani yogurt with Coconut-Sour Cherry Granola (there’s only a tiny bit left!) and strawberries.

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After taking the kids to school, I got my nails done and ran tons of errands. Lunch was a Greek salad with a chicken kabob from Luna Grill.

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It’s nice to get back into the swing of normal life. My dad is continuing to improve. He is still in ICU but hopefully will be transferring to a more regular room today or tomorrow. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
