139.4…Bunco At Central Perk

Last night was Bunco at Jen’s house. Her theme was “Friends” the TV show. First of all…don’t you miss that show!?! I forgot how much I missed it until last night.

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Jen had “Friends” decorations everywhere and episodes playing on every television.

She also had appetizers out with cute “Friends” related names.

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Tami and Lauren:

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I enjoyed some delicious eats while we played “Friends” related games.

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Cathi’s turn in Pictionary:

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Jen, Lauren, Me, Tami and Jaimy:

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Thank you Jen for a fun filled night!!

Breakfast this morning was an egg beater sandwich on an English muffin with shredded cheddar cheese. I also had some strawberries to go with it.

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After I dropped the kids off at school, I came home to do laundry and wrap presents….my son turns 8 on Tuesday!

I went to an appointment, then lunch at Urban Plates.

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Grilled Wild Ono Nicoise salad. My favorite salad there.

Tomorrow I’m off to Los Angeles to visit my dad. He is still improving! :)

What friends character do you most relate to? Rachael. :)


  1. Believe it or not, I hardly watched any friends episodes - weird!

    Glad you Dad continues to improve! Enjoy your weekend!


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