139.6…Completing The Menu

At the last minute, my husband and I decided to go to my favorite restaurant, Firenze Trattoria, for dinner last night. Everything I’ve ever ordered there has been excellent. I’ve always said it was a goal of mine to have ordered everything on the menu at least once. Seems like it would be easy because we go there so often but I fall in love with things and have a hard time diverting from them.

Last night we changed things up a bit. Instead of sharing our normal Chopped Caesar salad, we choose the Bruschetta for our appetizer.

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Yes, we’ve had this before. Don’t worry. My entree was new-to-me.

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Caesar salad with grilled salmon. I know….not very creative but I wanted a salad and  had never ordered this particular one so it counts! One more menu item down!

Breakfast this morning was pineapple Chobani, Nature’s Path Peanut Butter Granola and mixed berries.

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After I took the kids to school, I dropped my car off for service then went to the gym for some treadmill time.

Lunch was fish tacos at Wahoo’s with some friends.

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I’m heading to Los Angeles tomorrow to visit my dad (he’s still doing pretty well!) so I need to get packed and some laundry done. I might actually cook tonight so hopefully I’ll have a new recipe to share with you!

Have you ever tried every single item from a menu before?
