146.6...A Fancy Birthday Luncheon

Last night I needed to whip up something fast for dinner. I had to take my daughter to an event and didn’t have time for anything fancy. That’s usually when pasta comes into play.

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You know what I had for breakfast. I won’t bore you with the details.

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I took the kids to school, then to Sculpt class. 

I quickly changed and headed over to Cathi’s house for a birthday luncheon for Darci hosted by Cathi and Nora. They did such a beautiful job!

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A sit down lunch in someone’s home in the middle of the week is quite fancy!

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Cathi made these delicious mango drinks to enjoy before we sat down.

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Our fancy lunch started with a Caesar salad with grilled romaine and homemade dressing that Nora made.

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Our main course was courtesy of Cathi. Stuffed peppers:

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Pasta and “gravy”:

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Simply fabulous. I, of course, saved room for birthday cake. 

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Happy Birthday Darci! 

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Thank you to Cathi and Nora for a fantastic, fancy luncheon! 

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Tomorrow I’m headed off to a girl’s weekend to celebrate my belated birthday. It all about birthdays over here!

If you had to host a luncheon in your home tomorrow, what would you serve?

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