144.4...When Leftovers Don't Suck

It’s no secret that I usually don’t like leftovers. That is, of course, not when the leftovers are Souperior Meatloaf and Sautéed Zucchini with Orzo

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The asparagus was good too. :)

Breakfast this morning was Honey Nut Cheerios with almond milk.

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I dropped the kids off at school, went to a meeting, then an appointment. By then I was pretty hungry and knew I had to have sushi for lunch. It was more than a necessity. I headed off to Sushi on the Rock

Yellowtail, Salmon & Tuna:

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Red Dragon Roll (panko shrimp, spicy tuna, avocado and cucumber, layered with tuna….spicy eel sauce):

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Sushi craving satisfied…for now.

I’m off to Pebble Beach tonight to help my husband start celebrating his upcoming 40th birthday! Gotta finish packing….

Is there a dish you make just so you can enjoy the leftovers?

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