145.8…The Mission Continues

Going along with the "what's left" theme, I defrosted and heated up some Buffalo Chicken Chili that I had in the freezer. I forgot just how good this chili was!! 

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To go with the chili, I whipped up my favorite cornbread, Buttermilk Cornbread.

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Breakfast Friday morning was Lucky Charms and almond milk. I really love Lucky Charms. :) 

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My husband took the kids to school so I was able to get some stuff done around the house before heading off to pick up my daughter from school. They had half day so her grade planned a get together at the park. (My son went over to a friend's house). I had two slices of pizza at the park. Eventually it was time to take my daughter to her horse back riding lesson and pick up my son and take him to basketball practice.

I had had some leftover meat sauce form the World's Best Lasagna I made a few weeks ago so I heated that up along with some penne for dinner Thursday night. 

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It's a really good sauce by the way. It was great with the lasagna and tasted fabulous on the pasta! I made a salad to go along with it. 

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Yesterday's breakfast was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Almond Coconut Granola and strawberries. 

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After I dropped the kiddos off at school, I went to a meeting. Lunch was a turkey sandwich, veggies and ranch.

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Then it was time to get ready for a friend's wedding at Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla. The weather was perfect for the beautiful ceremony by the beach. After the cocktail hour, it was time to sit down for dinner. The meal started with mixed green salad with cranberries, pears and almonds:

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The main course was served family style. It consisted of top sirloin, cornish game hens, sea bass, broccolini and potatoes au gratin:

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We danced for a bit and then headed home for the night.

Breakfast this morning was a toasted English muffin with a fried egg and cheddar cheese. 

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We took my son to his basketball play off and championship games. Their team won first place!!!

Lunch was the rest of the Buffalo Chicken Chili. 

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I'm seriously on a mission to clean out everything from my fridge. The Thanksgiving turkey comes out of the freezer to defrost tomorrow. I need to make room!

Do you have a current project at home that you're on a mission to complete?

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  1. I love cleaning out my cupboards and fridge - finding ways to use everything up. It feels good!


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