143.2…Rolo Chocolate Chip Cookie Cups

One of my favorite parties of the year is Cathi's annual "Cookie Exchange."  The rules are simple: you bring 7 dozen homemade cookies. Two dozen are for the "tasting table" and the other five dozen are for the guests to take home. You come home with a huge box full of delicious cookies. What's not to like!?! 

This year I made Rolo Chocolate Chip Cookie Cups. I feel like Rolos are under appreciated. Let's bring them back!

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Rolo Chocolate Chip Cookie Cups (Makes 5 dozen)

Recipe from Crazy For Crust


2 sticks butter, melted

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 cup light brown sugar

2 large eggs

1 Tbsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. baking soda

3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups mini chocolate chips

60 Rolo candies, unwrapped (from about 2-12 ounce packages or 8 rolls of Rolos)


1. Pour butter into an electric mixer fitted with paddle attachment. While still hot, add both sugars and mix on low until combined. Let sit to cool for a few minutes.

2. While butter mixture is cooling, combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl. Stir and set aside.

3. Turn mixer (with butter mixture bowl attached) on low. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing completely. Mix in vanilla extract. Add flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until combined. Stir in chocolate chips.

4. Spray mini muffin pans with nonstick cookie spray. Scoop 1 1/2 tablespoons of dough into each cavity. Chill the pans for at least 1 hour.

5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake cookie cups for about 9-11 minutes (the outside will start to turn a golden color when done).

6. When the cookie cups come out of the oven, press one Rolo into the center of each. Let cool completely in pans before removing (let the Rolo re-harden or it will collapse). Cookies should pop out easily with the aid of a knife.

7. Store in an airtight container for up to 4 days or freeze for up to 1 month. 

Printable Recipe

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Last night I cooked some fettuccine for dinner. While it was hot, I added some Goat Cheese Torta with Garden Pesto and it melted and became the sauce. I added some asparagus and Parmesan cheese as well.

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Freaking amazing. That goat cheese stuff can do no wrong.

Breakfast this morning was the same as yesterday: English muffin, fried egg and cheddar cheese.

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I got ready and headed over to Cathi's for her Cookie Exchange. 

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While the focus was mainly on all the sweets, I enjoyed the dishes that Cathi put out. Cheese biscuits and honey butter:

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Vegetable quiche:

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Everybody put 5 dozen cookies out on the display table. 

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Eventually it was time to taste the cookies and vote on "Best Tasting" and "Most Creative" cookies! Everyone put 2 dozen cookies on the voting table so they could all be tasted.

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Difficult job, huh? 

I am proud to say that I won for best tasting cookie! 2nd year in a row! How will I top myself next year….better start planning now! :)

Lisa won for most creative (her 2nd year in a row too!). She made the gorgeous pine cone cookies:

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My prize was an adorable set of sweet treat recipes! 

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Maybe next year's recipe will come from these!?!

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Fabulous party, Cathi…as usual! Now, let the cookie eating begin!

If you were going to a Cookie Exchange, what kind of cookie would you make?

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  1. What an awesome get-together. I would have to take gooey butter cookies.

  2. We are on a roll!!!! I already know what I am going to make next year! Congrats, and great pix!

  3. @Lisa-licious
    You do!?! How are you going to top this year's!?!


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