145.8…In The Thick Of It

For the last 24 hours or so, I have been in the thick of Thanksgiving cooking and preparation. I have 31 people coming over Thursday and I like to have as much done ahead as possible so I can enjoy the day and hang out with my family.

Saturday night my husband and I went out just the two of us. We went to dinner at Firenze. We shared the Burrata which came with roasted tomatoes, pesto and toast points. Was incredible!

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For my entree, I ordered one of my favorites: Chicken Piccata: 

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After dinner we went to see "Gone Girl". I read the book and was excited to see the movie. It didn't disappoint….great movie!

Sunday I slept in (yes!) and enjoyed a cup of coffee while getting ready for the Chargers game. It was a great game with the Chargers coming out victorious. I tried not to eat much while I was there because dinner was going to be incredible.

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Burger night! Yes! We went with some friends and had a great time. It never gets old. 

Breakfast Monday morning was scrambled egg beaters with leeks and gruyere cheese. 

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My husband took the kids to school and I ran a ton of errands including Costco which was beyond packed. I was so thankful to get out of the there. 

Lunch was tuna salad, veggies and ranch dressing.

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The rest of the afternoon was spent cooking. I whipped up four batches of Homemade Gravy. It starts with a lot of onions….especially if you are making FOUR batches.

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Last year I strained out the onions but this time I blended it all together. Definitely better leaving all the onions in!!!

Dinner was Trader Joe's Orange Chicken (the best!), white rice and broccoli. 

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Breakfast this morning was strawberry Chobani yogurt, Almond Coconut Granola and strawberries. 

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After I dropped the kids off at school, I came home to get cooking. I'm making my sister in law's stuffing this year. I had to cut FOUR loaves of bread into cubes. 

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I feel like I'm staring a cafeteria or something. :)

Lunch was a turkey sandwich, veggies, ranch and Pringles. My daughter needs a Pringles can for a school project so the Pringles have to get eaten somehow. :)

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Ok, gotta get back to cooking!!

Have you made anything yet for Thanksgiving?

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  1. Ha! We had the same Pringles project here! 2nd grade? Your gravy looks delicious.


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