140.8…Right At Home

Arnold has made herself right at home. 

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In the matter of one short week, Arnold has become one of the family. I can't say that she's the best at potty training but she is the best at providing a lot of happiness and smiles around here. 

Last night my husband was out of town so I  broiled some salmon and made a Caesar salad for dinner for myself. 

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Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters, salsa, salami and pepper jack cheese.

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I took the kids to school, attended an event there, then went to the gym. 

Lunch was chicken salad, veggies and ranch dressing. 

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Arnold just got back from the groomer for the first time and is looking extra fabulous. I'm going to bring her with me to pick up the kiddos soon to show off her new look!

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What's on the menu for you tonight?

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