140.4…Here's To Grilling!

We all (including Arnold) went to a friend's house last night for dinner. The kids swam, the dogs played and we enjoyed some delicious eats right off the grill. It was such a beautiful day yesterday and we were able to enjoy it while eating dinner outside. 

My friend grilled some amazing steaks and veggies and had a couple of side dishes: potato salad and orzo salad. The orzo salad was my favorite!

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Last night really got me into the mood for summer! 

Arnold had fun running through the sprinklers. Arnold is excited for summer too!

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Breakfast this morning was pineapple Chobani yogurt, Applesauce Granola and strawberries. 

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After I took the kids  to school, I went to a meeting then to the gym for an hour. I ran a few errands and came home to make lunch. Chicken salad, veggies and ranch dressing. 

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I had to go to another meeting, then got my car washed before picking up the kids. While I was waiting for my car, I had some Popchips.

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Tonight we are going out to dinner with some friends. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Are you getting excited for warmer weather?

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