135.8...Hard Work Pays Off

Tuesday night I went to book club. I had some tortilla soup for dinner that I bought at the grocery store.

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It was actually quite good and filling! I managed to only eat a bit of the cheese that was out at book club.

Wednesday’s breakfast:

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I took the kids to school, then went to Orange Theory. I got my hair done then had lunch at Luna Grill.  

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Greek salad with a chicken kabob. Nom.

That evening  we went over to Joe & Alicia’s for dinner for taco night! Yes!

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Taco night is the best!!

Thursday’s breakfast:

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After school drop off, I went to the gym for a 45 minute boring run on the treadmill.

I got a bunch of stuff done around the house then went to Napizza  for lunch. Greek Quinoa Salad:

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Love it!

After school my daughter had a tennis lesson, then I made an easy dinner. Pasta and salad. 

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Yesterday’s breakfast:

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After drop off, I went to the gym, then to an appointment. I grabbed a quick lunch at Tender Greens. Tuna, roasted veggies and tomato soup:

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I volunteered at the school for a few hours and then we came home.

Dinner was at Leucadia Pizza. I had the Greek Salad with Grilled Shrimp plus a few pizza crusts that my family discarded. :)

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Breakfast this morning:

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Then I did something I normally don’t do: I got a massage. I always feel like it’s a waste of money but all this working out I’ve been doing…it’s become necessary. 

Afterwards, while my husband and son were golfing, I took my daughter to Pizza Rev for lunch. 

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So…I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but, like I mentioned, I’ve been working out a lot harder and more often in the last several months and have cleaned up my diet a bit. Besides loosing some weight that I had gained over the past few years, there was a specific reason for it. In a few days, we are off to Cabo to celebrate my belated 40th birthday with many friends and family. I was determined to loose those last few pounds and get into great shape for it! 

It all began in August when I hired Linda, a trainer at the gym, to help me step it up a notch for my party. She had me do things I didn’t like (running), tracking my calories and told me to cut back on things I did like (wine, pizza, dessert, the list goes on and on). She also had me working out on weekends and on vacation which I never would have done before. I started lifting heavier weights and drinking protein shakes. All new to me. 

Seven long months later, I’ve lost about 14 pounds and gained 3 pounds of muscle. I’ve lost a combined amount of 13 inches all over. I feel so much better mentally and physically. I know that it started out as a plan to look good for my 40th birthday, but I learned so much along the way. It’s definitely not a diet, but a way of life. I can have wine and pizza, just not all the time. (Shocker!) If you want something, you have to work for it. It’s that simple. 

When I hired Linda, she asked me what my goals were. One of them was “no regrets!”. I wanted to get to my party knowing I put my all into looking and feeling my best. Besides the goals I met weight/body fat wise, I don’t have any regrets and know I gave it my all. So, here’s to hard work! I plan on celebrating very soon!

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