143.8…Chicken Cacciatore

I loved the new recipe I tried last night. It was easy to prepare and the flavors were fabulous! Chicken Cacciatore is one of my husband’s favorite dishes. It’s not normally a favorite of mine but this one may have won me over.

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Chicken Cacciatore (Serves 4)


4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Flour for dredging

3 Tbsp olive oil, divided use

1 green bell pepper, sliced

1 red bell pepper, sliced

1 small onion, sliced

8 oz sliced mushrooms

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup red wine

14.5 oz can tomato sauce

1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning

2 chicken bouillon cubes


Pound chicken breasts to an even thickness. Dredge in flour. Add 2 Tbsp oil to skillet and brown chicken on both sides. Remove chicken and set aside.

Add 1 Tbsp oil to pan. Add sliced vegetables and garlic. Sautee until onions are softened.

Add the wine to the pan and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomato sauce, chicken bouillon cubes and Italian seasoning. Simmer for 10 minutes. Put chicken back in sauce and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes or until chicken is done.

Printable Recipe

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I served the Chicken Cacciatore over spaghetti and had a Caesar salad on the side. Great dinner!

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I had my “two part” breakfast again this morning. I was going straight to spin class so I had half a grapefruit before I left.

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After class, I had the last of my Core Food bars.

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This one was the Raw Walnut Banana. Those of you who have read my blog for awhile know I don’t like bananas. So I saved this one for last, obviously. I actually liked it! I like banana bread actually and that is what it reminded me of.

I went to an appointment and came home to see if I can clear my desk and inbox before school starts tomorrow. So far so good…

Lunch was a turkey sandwich, veggies and ranch dressing.

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Another new recipe is happening tonight! I’m on a roll!

How many emails are in your inbox right now? I have 10 after a massive cleaning.


  1. I use gmail so I like how the new design thinks what's garbage and separates it from actual real email. I empty mine out every day, but on average I get about 20 personal email a day from blog readers :D


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