143.4…Paella Party

If you can believe it, we are getting ready to go on a trip again. This time it’s with my husband’s entire family (30 people total!) on a European/Mediterranean cruise. We leave bright and early Saturday. Consequently, I’ve been trying to use up what I have in the fridge….

Lunch yesterday was the rest of the lettuce, ranch dressing and bread (for a turkey sandwich).

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Then it was time to get ready for Bunco at Silvanna’s house. First stop was Tami’s house for a glass of wine beforehand. I was presented with one of the best gifts ever.

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Red Solo Cup in the shape of a wine glass. Thank you Tami for changing my life. :)

When we arrived at Silvanna’s house, we were greeted with delicious appetizers.

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Lisa got her very own Giant Red Solo Cup:

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Then something amazing happened.

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Silvanna and her husband made paella. 

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It was beyond amazing.

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I went back for seconds. A huge, heaping pile of seconds.

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Yes, I love my cup.

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Somehow I managed to steer clear of the peach bread pudding. Probably because I had 5 pounds of paella in my stomach.

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Thank you SO much Silvanna for a fabulous night! Everything was perfect! Please send me your paella recipe. Thank you.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled egg beaters with salsa and a half a grapefruit.

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I went to the gym then came home to get ready for my mom’s arrival. She is here visiting for the day. We did a bit of shopping at the UTC mall, then stopped at Tender Greens for lunch. It reminded me a ton of Urban Plates. I chose the Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad (romaine hearts, goat cheese (in place of blue cheese), bacon, egg avocado, tomato, tarragon dressing).

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Delish!!! Great place….I would definitely eat there again!

We are all off to dinner soon…enjoy your evening!

Have you ever had paella? Have a good recipe you’d like to share?
