
It happens to me every year. I know it’s coming but never expect it so fast.


Yes, it happens at the same time every year but always seems to creep on me unexpectedly. I’ve been spending the last few days buying all the stuff I need to entertain the 32 people I have coming for Thanksgiving. Every year I say that I will be better prepared. Never happens. Oh well.

Friday morning’s breakfast was a toasted cranberry English muffin with peanut butter and cantaloupe.

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I took the kids to school and ran errands. I met my friends at Love Boat Sushi for lunch. I shared some sushi with a friend to start:

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And ordered my favorite roll there: Wasabi Roll:

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Be prepared to have your sinuses cleared out.

I went to an event at the school and brought the kids home. I made them dinner before I went out to our club to meet some friends. I had some of their leftovers for dinner.

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Wine and Kraft macaroni & cheese = dinner of champions.

I had a great time with my friends at our club and came home way past my bedtime.

Saturday morning I made pancakes for myself and the kids.

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I took my son to his tennis lesson and then dropped them off at their scout’s thing. I picked up a Greek salad from Luna Grill on the way home.

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I enjoyed it while I watched the USC game. After I picked the kids up, we went straight to my sister in law’s house to celebrate my niece’s birthday. My sister in law made a fabulous Moroccan tagine.

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I enjoyed it with pasta and potato kugel.

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Don’t forget the birthday cake!

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It’s hard for me to pass up cake. :)

I brought the kids home to stay with a sitter while I went to Lisa’s house for a house warming party. She just moved and so it was time to celebrate!

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Another late night & tons of fun was had!

Sunday morning’s breakfast was an egg sandwich on an English muffin with melted cheddar cheese.

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I took the kids to my niece’s actual birthday party (kid party) and then back to my sister in law’s house to hang out with family. I haven’t mentioned it but my husband had been out of the country for 10 days…he came back on Sunday and met us at his sister’s house. We were all very excited to see him!

Dinner was with some friends at the club for burger night.

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Craptastic photo but delicious food! Burger with cheddar cheese, arugula, red onions, tomatoes, garlic aioli and onion rings. 

Monday morning I woke up late so there wasn’t time for a regular breakfast. I made due with a mini Luna bar.

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I went to Cardio Muscle class and did all the upper body and ab workouts while I sat out the cardio and lower body parts.

Lunch was Wahoo’s!

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Fish tacos rock!

I went to a few different stores to get Thanksgiving related stuff. I pulled some leftover Cheesy Chicken & Rice Bake out of the freezer for dinner.

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I mixed it with some salsa and topped it with cheddar cheese and baked it in the oven. It came out pretty good for being frozen.

Breakfast this morning was a toasted cranberry English muffin with peanut butter.

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I dropped the kids at school, went to Target and Trader Joe’s and then came home for lunch which was a quick turkey sandwich.

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I went to volunteer at the school, ran some more errands and then brought the kids home. 

Now that I ran most of my Thanksgiving related errands I feel a bit better about the holiday fast approaching!

Did Thanksgiving sneak up on you this year?


  1. It's always a last minute decision on where we will celebrate. My sisters husband doesn't really like to hang out with our family, which is awkward. My SIL and her son already invited themselves to our house (the SIL I cook for each week) and then my Mom wanted us over to her house since she's in a new house.

    As it turns out, I think my Mom is coming to my house on Turkey day, and then Hannah and her boyfriend, my sister and her kids and I will go to my Mom's to have a family get together - should work, but we'll see!


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